Comment – Read an Ebook Day

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171 thoughts on “Comment

  1. My husband is 100% disabled Viet Nam Vet… So reading is my enjoyment. I don’t need to run out to the library. I use my Kindle and read as often as I can. Everything is at my finger tips. I have been doing this for years. Thank you so much, reading helps me relax.

    1. Thank you so much for sharing, Bonnie. And thank your husband for his service for us, please!

  2. I read everyday of my life. E-books are the greatest invention since the lightbulb! Overdrive saves a lot of gasoline.# readane-bookday!

    Loved this book! Just finished it!
    Carol Windschitl

    Just finished reading ARROWOOD! Loved it!

  4. I have a ton of ebooks on my Kobo, including half a dozen library books at the moment. Currently reading some Sherlock Holmes.

  5. Love my e-reader “Nook”! I can download from my Library or buy from other sites. So easy! I am never without several books to read. It is amazing technology!
    Recently read – Night Road by Kristin Hannah, Me Before You by Jojo Moyes, A Life Interrupted by Tom Brokaw and Into The Wild by Jon Krakauer.

  6. I am loving listening to the Ann B Ross Miss Julia series and reading Damage by Lisa Scottoline – I am loving life!!

  7. I use overdrive every day to read my ebooks which I download from the library. I belong to the Goodreads site and have set a challenge of 75 books read during 2016. To date, I have completed and charted 88 books read. It is so easy to have overdrive on each of my electronics and that way I also have my current book with me.
    I have just completed ” The Book Thief ” by ” Markus Zusak “.
    I am starting ” The Piano Maker ” by ” Kurt Palka “.

  8. I like the eBook because is convenience for me. My eye sight is not so good, so I can choose the best size of font to suit me. Large print book is heavy. I can adjust the brightness to fit in the environment for reading. I use the “Dictionary” to get the meaning of those words. I can choose another language books , if they are avaiable. It save me a trip to library and it save me from those ‘Fine’ that I forget to return the book. I am reading Harry Potter and The Cursed Child, it’s a different style from the previous Harry Potter. I read all those 7 books in paper, now it’s the eBook.

  9. Our bookshelves are loaded and I love my Kindle because I can load hundreds
    Of books on it and carry it anywhere. I read a lot more because it’s so easy to get books either to purchase or from our local library. Everyone should have some kind of E-reader! Currently reading The Sister by Louise Jenson.

  10. I am reading a Stuart woods book now. Love reading on my nook.

  11. I just finished Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children on my tablet. Just downloaded Hollow City and can’t wait to start!

  12. I love my ebooks. I used to carry at least 4 different book when I went to work only because when I was on my lunch I never knew what mood I’d be in and what I was in the mood to read. I usually had at least one Louis L’lamour a science-fiction and 2 different fantasy. People at work would make fun saying, “why did you bring your library with you?”
    But know with e readers I can take as many as I want. And as I upgrade my readers I can lend out my old ones to friends that don’t have ereader of there own.


    Duane E. II

  13. There wasn’t any room left on my book shelves. I donated 11 boxes of books and still there was not room. Trying to simplify and being able to carry all your books with you hit a core with me. Although, much can be said about a hardcover…my E-reader is my carry it with me.

  14. I just finished The Midwife of Hope River on my Kindle. I love that Overdrive allows me to check out books from my local library to read. This is my absolute favorite use of technology. I have been a bookworm all my life. One of my earliest memories is reading with my grandfather at age 3. I can’t read with him anymore but he certainly spurred a love of reading that I have to this day. E-books and e-readers are the greatest invention ever. We can bring books to everyone, even people far from a library. The universe is our library. How amazingly awesome.

  15. Faith Hunter is one of my favorite authors and I keep a library of her books on my ereader. Love Jane Yellowrock and the new Soulwood series! Oh – and the entire Pendergast collection by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child. It’s so nice to carry a library with me wherever I go 🙂

  16. Wen Spencer’s Project Elfhome. I love the Pittsburgh Backyard & Garden short story.

  17. I’m reading The Underground Railroad by Colson Whitehead. This book has been getting a lot of attention recently since Oprah made it a book club pick and I am not disappointed thus far! Looking forward to finishing it up on my Kindle Fire this Friday!

  18. I’m currently reading “The Paris Wife” but I recently finished “Behind Closed Doors” which was an intense read. I highly recommend it as it kept me guessing to the end.

  19. Love reading Ebooks. I had my E reader for years before I started downloading books but now I can’t imagine going without it. I like to alternate the books I read so I’m often reading 3 at a time and ebooks are the perfect way to do that. I like mystery/crime novels and just started getting into Elizabeth George so I’m working through her collection.

  20. I’m a voracious reader and was reluctant to venture into e-reading because I love the feel of a book, the ability to flip back and forth, but this little thing stole my heart. #ebooklove And while I’ll probably never give up on books, I do love the idea that a good read is always within reach.

  21. Just read Rook and am waiting for Stiletto, the next one in the series. I really enjoyed Rook and can’t wait to find out what happens in the next part of the storyline!

  22. I love being able to read on my iPad. The Ontario Librbary Service Consortium allows me to do just that without having to spend money on purchasing books.

  23. I would be lost without digital reading. I mostly use audio books and sometimes I read along with the narrative. I just finished reading “Excursion” a terrific action packed novel by L.A. Zett. I’m now into “Burned” by the same author. I love just about anything by Preston & Child. The list of great writers is endless.

  24. Welcome to the Read an eBook Day comments section! On Sept. 16th we’ll be celebrating Read an eBook Day all around the world and talking about the eBooks we’re reading but for now feel free to leave a comment about why you love digital reading and what titles you’re currently enjoying. Welcome to the #eBookLove party!

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