Comment – Read an Ebook Day

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171 thoughts on “Comment

  1. Hi, I’m reading David Baldacci’s Camel Club on Read an eBook day on Sept.18th!

  2. Just finished The Diving Bell and the Butterfly by Jean-Dominque Bauby- a story about a man enduring locked-in syndrome. Very good.

  3. I love ebooks! Just finished The Breakdown. Reading Behind Closed Doors next.

  4. Enjoying The immortal life of Henrietta Lacks on my Kindle and listening to Ready Player One for our High School Battle of the Books Team! For more fun, reading YA Serafina on my tablet!

  5. Reading Manhattan Mayhem by Mary Higgins Clark, waiting for the new John Le Carre, booked Modern Upcycling. Great range from Libraries NI

  6. Ebooks are just ANOTHER source of reading my wonderful books.
    It is amazing to get the books so quickly. Click and download, baby!

  7. As a parent ebooks are great. Your kids cant mess the books up and you can take them on the go to the park or anywhere. Plus they are so much easier to handle in those moments when you have a clingy, sleeping toddler in your lap.

  8. I love reading, it’s something that I have to do every day and every spare time. I read a lot of romance and the ebook gives me the privacy of not having any smirks directed at me and my books.overdrive is my salvation #readanebookday

  9. I am old school and still prefer paper books to ebooks, however I do love the convenience of e-books! I’m currently reading Mullumbimby by Melissa Lucashenko as an e-book, however I should be finished that before Monday. By Monday I will probably be reading Once Lost by Ber Carroll since I’ll be reading it for Together We Read – – a digital book club available in participating countries through participating libraries where readers can read the same book simultaneously because Overdrive makes it available to everyone!

  10. I love reading e-books! I have thousands and I read all the time. I am currently reading a book called Twisted. A twisted fairy tail about Rumpelstiltskin. I like many genres and am glad to be able to borrow them from Overdrive!

  11. My Kindle is my constant companion! I am a cozy mystery fan and I am currently reading a Savannah Reid Mystery “Killer Physique.”

  12. I read all of my spare time I am not tied to strict genre as I prefer mixes it makes things fresh and not cliched. I prefer books to film and television (yes I’m British) The remainder is taken up with my writing! My material is a mixed pouch of psychological suspense and mystery I hope to emerge soon as I have written 27 engaging stories.
    I am currently reading Jojo Moyes excellent work “ME BEFORE YOU”

  13. I have had my Nook HD for a few years and only began to use it a year ago through the use of the Overdrive App. I am reading a lot of Grisham, and recently read the Stig Larsson series. The convenience of downloading epubs from the city and county libraries is fantastic, and I recently discovered Bookbub for free and discounted ebooks!

  14. Just finished “The Japanese Lover” and I loved it. I pretty much like anything Allende writes. Everything I read is on one of my devices. Although I must say I do miss a physical book but find it so easy to access my current e book where ever I happen to be. I also read every day of my life.

  15. I have loved reading my whole life. My e-reader comes with me everywhere I go, loaded with books. I can never have enough, just in case, and am constantly maxing out the request list from my local library. I am never alone with a constant cast of characters to choose from. Currently reading Killer Look by Linda Fairstein and Midnight Crossing by Charlaine Harris and am ahead of my 100 book goal on Goodreads 🙂

  16. Having finished American Sniper earlier thus summer, I’m now reading American Wife. I Love ebooks because they are easy on the back, and can be read combined with audio for a more in depth reading.

  17. Just finished “Dead Eyes” by Stuart Woods. I love reading books on my 4″ iPhone 5c. People probably think I’m crazy for using a small device, but I LOVE it. It’s so convenient. I always have a book with me and can access the library any time of day. I’ve increased the number of books I read by at least 500% since switching to ebooks.

  18. Downloading 5 e-books to take on my 28 day cruise. All in one little kindle❤️

  19. RkI love my Nook tablet and I never leave home without it. I can read anytime I want while I am waiting for my kids to get out of school or in the dark in bed at night as I settle down. I don’t have to get up and turn the lights out when I’m ready to sleep! I am currently reading Robert B Parkers’s Spenser series as well as the latest James Patterson and Sanford novels. Sice I found my library’s Overdrive app I ca read more than I ever have before and have found a lot more aauathors that I enjoy!

  20. I am reading PALACE WALK. I love reading on the Kindle because I can get the book to me un a minute and then start reading. I also like the fact that I can increase the font for my aging eyes and can touch the word for a definition. It is also fun to get AUDIO books for when we are traveling. I also only have to take the Kindle instead a stack of books when traveling. Life is good with a kindle.

  21. I’ve been reading Inexcusable by Chris Lynch on my IPad. It was offered as a free read on the Riveted site, a place for YA books.

  22. Just finished “From Gutenberg to Zuckerberg” by John Naughton, and I am beginning “Find the Good: Unexpected Life Lessons from a Small-Town Obituary Writer” by Heather Lende.

    So grateful to have a library card and to have access to OverDrive!

  23. I’m reading a Harlequin Kimani Romance. It’s a Guilty Pleasure, until I write my own. Celebrating 20 years of Black Literature as a member of
    The Go On Girl Book Club, Brooklyn NY3.


    Thanks Overdrive & NYPL!

  24. Just finished Dana Marton’s Flash Fire. Action adventure romance that reminded me of the first Indian Jones movie or Romancing the Stone. Won the RITA for best Romantic Suspense for 2015 – and I agree. Riveting.

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