Comment – Read an Ebook Day

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171 thoughts on “Comment

  1. Just finished “The Late Show” amazing, truly satisfying.
    Half way through “The Girl who takes an eye for an eye”. Starts well, is building nicely.

  2. The Couple Next Door…read it in one sitting. Love ebooks it takes me back to my childhood, reading under the covers but with ebooks you don’t need the flashlight!

  3. Hey check out E-Books thousand to choose from. It easy and once book is read just hit return and you can do it as many time as you want. Can’t sleep order up a book and read, anytime day or night.

  4. Have never read so many books! Appreciate the length, breadth and depth of the range, which in turn opens many interesting conversations with others who now read, or wish to read, more.

  5. Bringing Magie home by kim vogel wonderful book with a great messge for all, this book makes your heart sing, while making you search yout our own heart , and mend family relationships,

  6. Just finished The Good Daughter by Karin Slaughter. An excellent mystery and tale of resilience and courage.

  7. I’m reading Glass Houses by Louise Penny. I love her Three Pines novels and started over by reading them in order since I skipped around at first. It’s a wonderful series and much loved by many many people since Glass Houses came out August 29 and immediately was #1.

  8. I am a retired disabled Vietnam Veteran. I enjoy reading Martin Walker series about a local policeman in France. Lots of local history, brotherhood and love of France.

  9. Call me addicted, but I love reading e-books! I am able to open my iPad and read an e-book wherever and whenever I want. Always easy to fill this addiction.

  10. I love the new resident libby app. It makes finding e books so much easier and i can read them free instead of spending tons of money to get them on amazon for kindle. I can even find some on amazon and then find them on the libby app! Currently reading – The Leavers by Lisa Ko #readanebookday

  11. I’m reading the Badd Brothers series….mmmmm…

  12. Going on a short trip to visit my son and planning to read Snow on the Bayou by Sandra Hill. I live in central Florida, and made sure to download a couple of books prior to Hurricane Irma. It helped to pass the evenings when we were without power.

  13. I have been listening to your audio books to rest my eyes, since reading can be such an addiction.
    I have just discovered your ambient-background setting and it also helps rest the eyes late at night. Kudos to you for being such a help.
    I have been reading the Dragon Slippers trilogy for juniors and am in the midst of Jim butcher’s Calderon series for adults. A good book is where you find them and I like them well written. I’ve also discovered some old friends no longer in hard copy. Save them, they are treasures, especially Lois McMaster Bujold. Whether Sci-fi or fantasy I like to go back to them, often.

  14. Ebooks are great. Borrowing from the librariy is wonderful!!! I am reading EXIT WEST.

  15. The Lost Wife by Alyson Richman
    This book is a fantastic historical fiction. Alyson is a wonderful author.

  16. Oaxaca Journal by Oliver Sacks

    A trip to see ferns in Mexico turns into a meditation on Mesoamerican civilization,chocolate, agriculture, mescal, amateur naturalists and more.

    I am looking forward to diving into this one!

  17. I just finished reading As The Crow Flies by Jeffery Archer. Absolutely loved it!!! Full of suspense.

  18. I am reading Darke by Angie Sage! It’s book 6 of 7 in her Septimus Heap series and very entertaining!! I love to read!!

  19. I was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer in April 2017. I’ve always been a huge reader all my life, I’ve spent countless trips to libraries carrying out stacks and stacks of books. My happy place is the library it’s where me and only me, matter. When my children bought me a kindle I was reluctant to embrace “New technology” as I saw it. And then they introduced me to E books, WHAT??? I’ve been enjoying renting e-books from my library ever since. NOW, I CAN READ AS MUCH AS I WANT , RIGHT AT my fingertips as I fight this dreaded illness. Everyday is a relaxing one as long as I have my kindle along with my ebooks! # doomsday

    1. Hi Kim- I just wanted to take a moment to say thank you for sharing your story. We’re thinking the most positive thoughts we possibly can for you.

    2. Kim, try some audio books when your eyes and brain are tired.I have listen to all of Jan Karon’s Mitford/Father Tim books recently.The narators voice is very soothing.If you like series, I would also recommend the “Cat Who….” books by Lillian Braun. I have chronic pain so sleeping alludes me many nights and I have found audio books help me rest. I am a stage four survivor, and reading was my solace and my peace during treatment.
      checking out Rita Mae Brown’s series set in small town Maryland

    3. God Bless you Kim ! My prayers are with you and your family ! Happy reading to you and enjoy the adventures that your books take you !

  20. Hi, I read a lot of Crime fiction. I am currently reading Lynda La Plante Backlash ebook downloaded courtesy of Yarra Plenty library via Overdrive. I have also put a hold on the next Lynda La Plante ebook in Anna Travis series ‘Wrongful Death’. I just finished reading a paperback book in this series and find I have to have a table across the bed to support the book a my fingers go numb. But, not so with my ereader – I don’t have to have a bedside light on as I have a backlight and I do not disturb my Husband, so I can read for as long as my eyes hold out!
    I much prefer an ereader as it is more portable and I can take it in my handbag to read whenever I have time to fill in, and it is not as heavy.

  21. I love reading and if I can choose, I would use ebooks because I can read in all kinds of conditions

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