Comment – Read an Ebook Day

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171 thoughts on “Comment

  1. I’m reading Dunbar by Edward St.Aubyn, a retelling of King Lear in the Hogarth Shakespeare series. I love St. Aubyn, and this book just reinforces my admiration for his work. Love his wit!

  2. I’m currently reading The Stars are Fire by Anita Shreve. I love ebooks, I love Overdrive!

  3. Finishing A perfect evil by Alex Kava..
    Ebooks are so convenient. No need to cerry a 800 pages book. It sucks when you’re done with a physical book and you have an hour left before you get home and you have no book to make it go faster. Ebooks to the rescue!

  4. I’m currently reading Where the Heart Is by Billie Letts on Overdrive. It’s a bit different from the movie with Natalie Portman. Reading ebooks has allowed me to continue reading just as much as before I had my baby in July. Now I can read while I’m feeding my baby. #ebooklove #readanebookday

  5. I’m currently rereading ‘Fahrenheit 451’ by Ray Bradbury on my Kindle Fire HD … great dystopian novel which is even more relevant to today’s social/political climate!

  6. I’m reading Cross Justice by James Patterson

  7. I love to be able to see what I have waiting on my list and see how the timing works out. It also saves me a trip to the library which I love ❤️

  8. I am reading Underground Railroad by Coleson Whitehead for my bookclub.

  9. I am reading my 15th ebook Chiefs by #Stuart Woods.

  10. I read everyday. I am retired, so I can indulge in one of my favourite pastimes whenever I want. I always use ebooks, and can use the library on my tablet or Kobo reader. My friends and I are always communicating when we find a great read. Most of us enjoy the same books, so it’s a treat when we discover an author we haven’t previously read.

  11. Just finished listening to Thirteen Reason Why and Started on David and Goliath by Malcolm Gladwell. I love to listen to a good storyteller while I am driving. I have listened to some great book that way.

  12. Living in Cairo, Egypt accessibility to large library collections is limited. Being able to download books onto my Kobo Arc from either the Kobo Store or, from a library in Ontario, Canada has been a godsend for an avid reader like me. I love the fact that I can go to Settings and adjust the brightness, font style and size especially today, Sept. 18th for I had an eye operation early this morning to improve my sight. My physician suggested following the procedure that I go home and enjoy a good read. That’s exactly what I’ve been doing for most of the day. I really like the fact that I can readily put down one book and pick up another one so conveniently using my e-reader. One simply can’t resist have such a large collection of books to choose from right at your fingertips. Thank you!

  13. I LOVE reading ebooks and regular books especially LARGE print. I usually have at least 2 books going at the same time; my own favorites and ones that my book club recommends. The last book I read was “A Tale of Two Cities” by Charles Dickens in hardback. I prefer ebooks most of the time since you can find out the meaning of a word by just clicking on it. You can’t do that with a hardback !! I enjoy JD Robb’s “In Death” series and am on the 7th (out of 40) book. They are fun, a fast read and I love the story female character !! Try out the BookBub site for FREE ebooks. I’ve loaded tons of books onto my Kindle Fire !!

  14. I’m reading Hidden Figures on hoopla via my local library.

  15. Am reading Karin Slaughters newest best seller “The Good Daughter”. As usual intrigue and suspense grip you from the first page. Literally can NOT put it down. What a perfect way to spend Read an Ebook day!

  16. The ebook I’m reading has been a banned book. A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L’Engle was once banned for being not Christian enough and again for being too Christian. #eBookLove

  17. I found myself shut in with various medical comditions. The left me too weak to participate in my teaching and design career and limited severely my contact with others. Using the library and Overdrive app, my days are full with stories , insights, and the lives of others -taking my focus off my self has bee a great boost in my self esteem and over came the isolation and loneliness I was experiencing. God bless eBooks and audiobooks for being part of my life and for all the libraries and apps that make them available to me and countless others!
    Thank you!

  18. I just finished Kate Morton’s The Forgotton Garden read on my I-Pad. Since The Secret Garden was and is my favorite child’s book and there has always been something of a small rather messy and beautiful Garden anywhere I have lived. There has been one or two in my childhood, one in a small town in England and one I treasured for 40 years before a move to a charmer right in the middle of a mobile home park. Now at almost eighty I must find another Garden in another city. I feel up to the task still and will find comfort derived from reading in the new one. Thanks to Pierce County Library the best library ever. I should know as was employed in libraries from a small town to a large one to a college library in my working years. inlibrarie

  19. I am never without a book, but with my Nook I can slip it in my purse and free up my hands. Not able to do that with a paper book. I still love paper books, especially the smell of a new book! But I reserve that treat for times when I can sit at home and read to my heart’s content. The rest of the time, I work my way through long books as I find myself in a waiting room, a long line at the store, or waiting in the car to pick someone up. I’ve read / re-read Harry Potter, Eragon, Outlander, and I just got Gone with the Wind from the library on my Nook. Tomorrow might be Read an eBook day for the rest of the world, but every day is read an eBook day for me! #eBooklove

  20. My kindle is like my refrigerator. When my mind begins to rumble for something more substantial than TV, I open my kindle. Hmmm, do I want something healthy and intellectual, or comfort food like escapism. Its all nourishing!

  21. I love reading Ebooks they are a great way to keep reading when you don’t wants to carry around a book and reading is a great way to keep your brain occupied.Thank you for giving us a wag to read all he time.

  22. Since my brain surgery in 2010, I have to read the same books over and over since I can’t remember them.
    For me to read an ebook is great! Read on the go and not bulky.
    Anything good and mystery related. My husband sleeps and I can read without disturbing him. At the moment I am ereading:
    Louise Penny
    Christopher Fowler
    2 paperbacks from another author.
    Love to read ebooks everywhere I go.

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