Comment – Read an Ebook Day

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171 thoughts on “Comment

  1. I love EBooks!
    Right now I’m between two auidiobooks?
    Flat broke with two goats and The no.1 ladies detective agency.

  2. I am reading the ebook “When Life Gives You Lululemons”, same author that wrote “The Devil Wears Prada”. I probably would never have found it at the library, but browsing on Libby, I have found many books that I want to read.

  3. I am reading SHOUT by Laurie Halse Anderson. I am a Secondary School librarian and encourage my students to use our District Digital library. It is easier to read a book on their phone as they are riding a bus to an athletic event!

  4. I never leave home without my phone which means I never leave home without my e-book. I can whip my phone out and dive into my book anytime I have a few spare minutes!

  5. I never leave home without my kindle! Currently reading You by Caroline Kepnes. Also just got a lot of great recommendations today from Professional Book Nerds– thank you!

  6. I am reading The Broken Girls by Simone St James which I have checked out from my library.

  7. Listening to audio books through Overdrive and now Sora, has made my long commute an actual pleasure. Just finished Clayton Byrd Goes Underground, next up is Wizards of Once.

  8. Happy “Read an Ebook Day!” I’m currently reading “Salt to the Sea” and “The Murderer’s Ape.” @gpisdlibraries #ebooklove

  9. For #readanebookday I will be reading a book that I hadn’t heard of until listening to ProfessionalBookNerds episode #262 with author Kami Garcia. The ebook is Broken Beautiful Hearts.

  10. I read it on my Libby and I listen on my Libby and I am so grateful to Library’s all over for continuing to lend the stories we get ourselves absorbed into.

  11. I love to read Sci Fi/Fantasy but due to a neurological disease I have a lot of hip pain if I sit for more than an hour. Sort of the opposite of arthritis. I still work my way thru eBooks and have hundreds in my personal library and have read a lot thru the library (Overdrive). Still the majority of my books are audiobooks because I can be up and moving around. I retired early because of my condition and am enjoying it greatly. I’m on 3 libraries. Navy, Air Force, and The state of North Carolina. A great benefit of military service is continued access to military libraries even after you leave. BTW I really think you should cover military libraries on your podcast. I don’t think many veterans even realize they are available to them. Of my 3 libraries the Navy is the most comprehensive.

  12. I’m continuing the series I started on my kindle (Romeo’s Hammer), but a hard copy because I can’t borrow this one on the kindle. Goodreads should allow a space to list hard copy books we’re reading.


  14. Thanks to the author interviews, I’ve got some new ebooks to discover! Can’t wait!

  15. Louise Candlish is a “new” author whom I have recently discovered. Loved “Swimming Pool”, & ” Sudden Departure of Frasers”

  16. I appreciate our local library system and the many venues to e- books, especially Overdrive and now Libby…E- books , are amazing in their own way as you can adjust fonts and background lighting.. and convenience with your tablet or e-reader able to contain many books. I am very thankful to those who made this technology available and to be able to have access to so many books!!!

  17. Reading an ebook, The Golden House compliments of @NetGalley! #eBookLove

  18. I try to read two books at a time. Typically I will listen to an audio book in my car during my commute and while running errands. Another is on my kindle while I’m at home or at work during my break. I find this keeps my brain alert by keeping the two stories separate in different locations. I retell the audio story to my coworkers to make sure I’m grasping the book in it’s entirety. Thanks to the Overdrive and Libby aps, I love that I can do both through you. Keeping my brain sharp and alert is important! I love visiting the library as well just to experience the energy of all those living stories just waiting to be taken.

  19. I am totally hooked on Lincoln Child and Douglas Preston. I am devouring them, in fact I read 23 three books in January. Love my e-reader and my connection to the library.

  20. Love reading from my library on my I pad. Have been doing it for years now. Do not remember the last time I held a hard copy. I can switch between I phone and I pad so I can read anytime, any place. No heavy books in luggage any more Overdrive fits my style!?

  21. Reading the third book in the Newsflesh trilogy by Mira Grant. Loving it! Also reading: Seduction In Death by JD Robb and the Kinsey Milhone detective series by Sue Grafton.

  22. Loving the Clifton Chronicles by Jeffrey Archer, almost done with book 4!

  23. When I was growing up my dad would make us go to the bookmobile every Tuesday during our summer vacation! He always quizzed us on the books we checked out sooo no cheating!!!
    Well, thank you dad! I LOVE to read now. I would spend hours at the library. I love the convenience of OverDrive ebooks!
    This fall and winter I am going to stay warm and cozy with my ebooks!
    I love this app!

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